Call of the wild: The Angler - CONSOLE DEVELOPMENT UPDATE



In March, we announced that Call of the Wild: The Angler will arrive on consoles this summer. We understand that you’ve been eagerly waiting for an update on this, and we apologize for the lack of information since our initial announcement. Rest assured, our development team has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the console launch meets your expectations.

We are still committed to releasing the console version this summer and you can expect another update from us regarding the development process in mid-August. We understand that waiting can be frustrating and we appreciate your patience as we work through the necessary optimizations and adjustments.

Delivering a quality and immersive gaming experience to our players has always been our priority. We’re taking the necessary steps to ensure the console version lives up to those standards.

We also haven't forgotten about our dedicated PC community. We are currently working on a major update to the game which will include a range of new fish species alongside gameplay and visual improvements, so keep an eye out for more updates on this.

Thank you for your passion and continued support,

Call of the Wild: The Angler team